Marcia Baldanza

Each EmpowerED 3.2.1 features 3 Big Ideas, 2 Quotes, and 1 Question with lots of links to resources from different perspectives such as business and industry, medicine, athletics, economics, recreation, and parenting as well as music and the arts. The goal of these brief commentaries is to advance our thinking about how that wide array of information connects with and supports our work as educational leaders. We don’t think you can find a short read like this anywhere else.

Marcia Baldanza is also the author of Professional Practices, a Just ASK Senior Consultant and adjunct professor at Marymount University. She examines research from multiple fields to help school district leaders improve, enhance, and increase staff and student performance. She uses her more than 25 years of experience as a teacher, turnaround principal, director of state and federal programs, director of school reform and accountability, supervisor of principals, and mom to offer practical strategies and insightful reflections from the field to help answer the powerful and essential questions embedded in Just ASK publications and consulting services.


Current Issue

How Leaders Think Matters More Than What They Do

The issue of EmpowerED 3.2.1 titled “How Leaders Think Matters More Than What They Do” is now available. Marcia writes “I’ve always been a leadership geek digging into and getting lost in research studies, dissertations, articles, books, and blogs both inside and outside of education. I’ve always believed that effective leadership is effective leadership regardless if you’re a company CEO or an educational leader. The similarities of the ASK construct (attitudes, skills, and knowledge) far outweigh the differences of the discipline.” She cites three books:

She further writes, “The common link among these and other experts is that great leaders are great learners and thinkers. They learn, grow, and change from evaluating their impact on others. That’s all about thinking more than it is about doing more.” Read now!


EmpowerED 3.2.1 Archives

A Growth Mindset for Remote Times

Accelerate Rather Than Remediate – in Virtual, Hybrid, and In-Person Settings

A Look From My Front Porch, Literally 

Adult Growth Mindset 

Analyzing Assignments for Rigor and Equity

Aspiring and Inspiring Shared Vision

Building Relationships in a Digital World

Challenging the Process

Climate Data Can Drive Improvement

Tools and Tips for Checking for
Understanding in
Remote and Hybrid Settings

Creativity at Crossroads 

Change Leadership

Collaborating and Planning Remotely

Communicating with Families

Communicating with Students

Empathy in the Time of Coronavirus 

Enabling Others to Act

Encouraging the Heart

Equity in Every Encounter

Flipped Learning 

Good vs Great Coaching 

Hard Conversations 

Hiring in Different Times 

Hooking All Students on Learning
In-Person and Remotely

How Leaders Think Matters More Than What They Do

Innovative Education 

Inviting Learning Environments Need to Be Intrinsically Motivating and Challenging in All Instructional Settings



Journey Mapping 

Leadership is Everyone’s Business

Lessons Learned in 10 Weeks, Part 1 

Lessons Learned in 10 Weeks, Part 2 

Making Mistakes Meaningful 

Make Your Core Values Come Alive

Maximizing Distance Learning  

Multitasking: Meaningful, Myth, or Mistake 

Nudge to Your Advantage 

Observing in Remote and Hybrid Classrooms

One-on-One Conversations 

Optimizing Learning and Work Environment 

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Personalized Learning with Genius Hour 

Pivot and Delegate

Power(ful) Coaching

Relationships Built on Trust and Integrity Matter 

Self-Care to Care for Others 

Show the Way and Find Your Voice

Stop, Look, and Listen

The Importance of Questions

The Power of Small Wins 

The Science of Goal Setting 

Thriving or Surviving 

Tools for Leading High Functioning
Teams in Virtual Times

Well-Managed Time 

Year-End Tips to Maximize Online Learning


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